State Boards of Nursing

Verification of certification

State Boards of Nursing may look up and download certification status with a State Board access code.

Online verification request

Program Directors

NCC understands that the new National Task Force guidelines have increased the clinical hours to 750 hours.  NCC will follow the educational standards put out by NANN and NPWH to make a decision on when this new number of hours will be required. It will be based on both the standards and program implementation to meet this new requirement. At this time there is no change in eligibility.

NCC requires at least 600 supervised direct patient care clinical hours in the population focus.  For WHNP programs, 50 of these hours can be used for telehealth. A description of the telehealth experience and expected outcomes is required if those hours are included in the direct patient care total.

If you have additional questions please contact NCC at

In order for graduates to be eligible for the NCC certification process, NCC must review and approve the NP program from which they have graduated and program accreditation must be current.

Program Directors are thereafter responsible for annual updates to their program profile. All substantive changes in a program must be reported and updated in the profile. Program Directors are required to ensure their program accreditation date and letter are up to date at all times. If the program accreditation lapses, students cannot sit for the examination.  In addition, to reinstate a lapsed program you must provide all required documents and pay a 500 dollar fee.

Program reports may be generated after logging into the program profile. For programs in which one or no graduates took the examination in a given year, no report is issued to guard the confidentiality of the individual.  Programs may request the unique ID number from the student to obtain verification of certification.

Access your program profile

If you have a new NNP or WHNP graduate program please use the following link to have the program approved.

Create a new program profile

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